Lists: 5 Favorite Aromas

Here are five of my favorite aromas:

  • Earthworms after a spring rain: You can smell the soil and in my part of the world that usually means winter is finally over.
  • Lilacs: The fragrance of lilacs means spring. Sometimes it can be a touch overwhelming, but I love walking outside on a late May morning and having the scent greet my nose.
  • Thanksgiving Dinner (including dessert) being cooked: What’s to explain?
  • A bonfire on a chilly autumn evening: Reminds me of sweatshirts, jeans, and friendship.
  • Sausage, pepper, and onion sandwiches (without green peppers): nothing says summer like the smell of sausage, peppers & onions on the grill. Except green peppers. They smell (and taste) nasty.



National Name Your Car Day

It’s National Name Your Car Day.

Yes, people do really name their cars.

The first time I read about this was when I was in elementary school and I read a book that was to become one of my favorites for that time: Don’t Call Me Katie Rose by Leonora Mattingly Weber. One of the high school students had an old Mercedes Benz he called “Mercy Bee.”

The second time I read about this habit was in an old book club book that belonged to my mother, Cape Cod Summer.  I don’t know the author (and it’s not the book listed on Amazon). The heroine of the book called her ancient rust bucket, “Dear Ruin”, after a line in a poem.

My third encounter was with a 1965 Chevy Malibu (287 V8!) I owned that was indestructible. A co-worker dubbed it “The Tank.”

Since then, I have tried to name my vehicles, but nothing stuck. Until my current car. It’s a Buick Lacrosse and she it affectionately known as “La-la”.

Do you name your vehicle?

National Read Across America Day

Today is National Read Across America Day. I believe in reading. I read like most people watch television—and then some. It’s also Dr. Seuss Day, which puts me in mind of children’s books. One of my favorite books as a child was Harriet, The Spy.

I related to Harriet. I kept a diary (journal). I observed things going on around me. I had a couple of good friends, and we weren’t the “in” group.  Most of that hasn’t changed.

I loved sharing the story with my children. My copy of the book is well loved.

Harriet the Spy

What was your favorite childhood book?

WIP Wednesday: Rebecca Neely

This month I am please to welcome fellow Soul Mate Publishing author Rebecca Neely to Work in Progress Wednesday.

REN Picture

Rebecca, December is the month of the solstice, when there are more hours of darkness than of daylight. Do you prefer daylight or darkness? Why? Do daylight and darkness play a role in your book?

RN: I have a love/hate relationship with this time of the year. I live in Western PA, so we have all the seasons. I find it difficult to get out of bed when it’s dark and cold. However, I love the feeling of being the only one awake in the house, silently padding downstairs to make coffee and have a read over my latest manuscript, in my bathrobe, next to the furnace register. There’s something very sacred about that time in the morning. When the sun comes up, it’s almost like the spell is broken. I also find I tend to get a lot more writing done on the snowy and/or cold days, versus wanting to be outside in the sunshine!

Darkness, per se, does not play a role in my upcoming Crossing Realms series; however, enemy Betrayers possess dark energy and they use it to wreak havoc on the good guys, The Keepers…

MJ: Ooh. That sounds fascinating. If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?

RN: I actually have several creative outlets, even being a writer, or perhaps because of it. Not sure! LOL! I love to make my own greeting cards, and sew and draw, mostly in pencil. I love to go to our Joann Fabrics store and peruse the crafts, the fabrics – it’s a sensory experience – touching them, seeing all the colors and the possibilities. In fact, this gives me a boost when I find my creativity is in short supply. Here’s a pencil sketch of my daughter when she was about 9. She was away for the weekend with her father and I missed her. I drew it from a picture I’d taken on my phone.

r neely wip wed

MJ: Very nice! Other than writing, what would be your dream job? Why?

RN: I’d love to be able to play the fiddle and jam with other musicians. I even took lessons but alas, I’m not sure I ever got the hang of it. <grin> But it was fun while it lasted!

MJ: Describe your ideal/dream writing space.

RN: I think I actually have it. I recently moved, and I finally have my own office space, versus having a desk in my living room. I’m so grateful for this I don’t think I’ll ever take it for granted. The desk I got last year – it’s a secretary, which I’ve always wanted. It’s new though – made too look old, and combines modern with vintage, giving me hanging folder space, and a built in power strip. Awesome! I can hide out in my space, I don’t have to worry about cleaning things up at the end of the day, and I’ve got a window with a great view of the sky. Oh, and I’ve just ordered a comfy chair to go in the corner – I’ve been looking for about 2 months. Yay! I like to work at the desk to write, and sit in a different place to read.

MJ: What do you love most about your WIP hero?

RN: The Keeper is the first book in the Crossing Realms paranormal romance series, coming, estimated, first quarter of 2016 from Soul Mate Publishing. This is my first series, and I signed with Soul Mate for a three book deal, which still amazes and humbles me.

Nick Geary is the hero of this story. The clan leader of The Keepers in the city of Pittsburgh, he’s a human guardian, jaded, tortured by secrets, and doomed to love a woman who’s forgotten him, time after time, for thirteen years.

I love that Nick is strong enough to be weak, when the time comes.

MJ: What do you least like about your WIP heroine?

RN: Libby Klink is a skittish human accountant, plagued by anxiety and her own fears of inadequacy. I’ve given Libby a great place from which to grow: I like least that she has no self-esteem when it comes to her appearance, and men in general. It goes against my grain.

MJ: What genre is your current WIP?

RN: A paranormal romance, and I would say there’s definitely crossover into urban fantasy.

MJ: How did you come up with your hero and heroine’s names?

RN: Nick Geary – I love Irish names, and Geary appealed. Not only do I like the strong sound of this name, meanings include ‘passionate’, ‘wayward’ and ‘spear’. Nick is a warrior, and the other traits sum him up perfectly – he has a wayward soul as the story begins.

Libby Klink – oh, I had fun naming her. I’ve always loved the name Elizabeth (it’s my middle name, in case you were wondering what the ‘E.’ stood for, MJ ) But Libby is definitely no Elizabeth. And she’s no Betty. She’s somewhere between the two. I love that there’s so many different names that come from Elizabeth, and that’s who she is – a lot of different people and traits.

As for Klink? Libby marches to her own drum, and Klink is just deliciously odd as a last name. It’s one syllable, and it’s as perfect an example of onomatopoeia as I’ve ever heard. Klink! She is the sound – odd, out of place and different from everyone else.

MJ: How did you choose the setting for your current WIP?

RN: I grew up near the city of Pittsburgh, and while it has all the ‘city’ trappings, it possesses a small town feel which feels like home to me. The city provided me with a festival of settings and backdrops from which to choose and adds a layer to the story as it unfolds; Pittsburgh still embraces and embodies blue collar workers and all they stand for, and the story pays homage to that throughout.

MJ: Can you share the opening of your current Work In Progress?

The Keeper is the first book in the Crossing Realms paranormal romance series. Here is the very beginning of The Watcher – my current WIP, and the second book in the Crossing Realms series:

“Nearly three moons have passed since he has come to us. It is inevitable that this day has come. It is time now.” His voice thick, his back to a sun that had yet to rise, Mataeus stood with Laird and Eden in the sharp bend of the third switchback winding its way around Mount Verdant. He raised a hand to encompass the landscape, reflected in the other Watchers’ silvery eyes. “Our realm is not yet healed completely. But the mists have dissipated.” He sighed, his heart still heavy over the scourge that had been dealt their realm. “But our energy grows stronger, each day.” He paused. “As does theirs. He must go.”

Laird pressed his eyes closed. “You know what a powerful store of energy it will take. I am not sure we have it to give.”

“Perhaps not.” His oldest friend spoke a truth Mataeus could not deny. “But I believe there is no better way to spend it.”

MJ: You have a book out now–A Mighty Good Man. How can readers purchase it?

Rebecca E Neely A Mighty Good Man400

‘Hank’ Jerry – she’s a tough talking twentieth century broad looking for a way to reclaim a writing career on the skids.

Jack ‘Gent’ Darcy – he’s a strange blend of gentleman and hood fresh out of prison with a story to tell that could get them both killed.

Forced to return to the small town and the aunt she left behind, ‘Hank’ will do her own time minding her aunt’s restaurant, then it’s back to the city to do damage control.

But when Jack lands on her doorstep, injured and on the run from gang enforcers, she makes the split second decision to offer him refuge, and he makes her an offer she can’t refuse: write his no holds barred story as war counselor inside national super gang, the Creds. She’ll shoot straight to the top, and he’ll bury the gang, then disappear—a win-win.

Only problem is, they can’t help falling for each other, and they’ve both got something to hide that could blow up in their faces. With time running out and gang enforcers closing in, will the trust they’ve forged survive the ultimate test?

3 Days. 2 People. 1 Story. A Mighty Good Man,  available from Amazon.

And how can readers stay in touch with you?

My Website & Blog, on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, my Amazon Author Page, on Goodreads, and Pinterest.

They can also join my mailing list at


MJ: Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!




WIP Wednesday: Georgia Beers

Today I’m delighted have award-winning author Georgia Beers join me for Work-In-Progress Wednesday.
Glasses Author Shot
Georgia, September is National Better Breakfast Month. Personally, I hate breakfast. If I have to eat it, I like the fast food drive thru. Do you eat breakfast? What’s your favorite breakfast? What’s your dream breakfast? Does eating breakfast help you write? Any other observations on breakfast you’d like to share?
I happen to love breakfast. It’s my favorite meal in the world. In fact, breakfast for dinner is my favorite thing to eat, ever. I love eggs. I love pancakes. I love waffles. I am a big fan of the PopTart. And I could live on cereal. Unfortunately, I have gotten into the habit recently of not eating breakfast and that is something I need to fix. I do find I work better if I’ve eaten in the morning.
MJ: If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?
You know, I have a lot of creativity in me. Lots of outlets. But I have terrible follow-through. Truly horrendous. I have everything I need to crochet and I also have a basic knowledge (though there’s much more for me to learn). Yet my supplies are collecting dust. I love to garden and I have a bunch of houseplants. But I work on them in spurts. I planted a garden in May and have weeded it exactly once so far this summer. See? No follow-through. That’s something I need to work on. One thing I love and do on a somewhat regular basis is color. I have a stack of coloring books and a huge container of crayons. And for my birthday, a friend bought me colored pencils and an *adult* coloring book. So that’s been awesome to help me feel creative when I’m not writing. It’s relaxing and it lowers my stress level. I highly recommend it.
MJ: I love coloring, too! Other than writing, what would be your dream job? Why?
I would love to be a film director. I think I’d be very good at it. I am a huge movie buff. In addition, when I write, I always see my books as movies. I’m very visual. So I think I’d be good at getting a vision from my head onto the big screen.
MJ: Describe your ideal/dream writing space.
Hmm. The one I have or the one I wish I had? LOL. I would love to have a separate building on my property that I could remodel into a big, open, sunny office space and then head there every morning like I’m going to work. But since I live in an average-size house in the city, that’s not going to happen. I’ve got an office. It’s bright and sunny (windows and natural light are important to me when I work). Lots of windows. I have my desk set up so I can gaze out the window if I need to or look at shelves of books to inspire me. My dogs are usually on the floor nearby and I have a bulletin board and a white board for jotting down or pinning up ideas. I have also been known to use a change of venue on occasion. I will take my laptop to Barnes & Noble once in a while because there is something inspiring about being surrounded by books. I also have a local coffee shop that I have worked in successfully. It really depends on my mood.
MJ: What do you love most about your WIP hero?
Well, I’ve got two heroines, so I’m going to answer it that way. What I love most about Ashley is her sunny outlook on life. She is always smiling, always looking on the bright side, always positive. Those are traits that I, as a person, have never been able to master. Ashley doesn’t let anything get her down. She is the epitome of “if life hands you lemons, make lemonade!” I can’t do that.
MJ: What do you least like about your WIP heroine?
Lisa lets herself get stuck. She knows it, but she can’t seem to do anything about it. If she’s angry about something, she stays angry. She holds a grudge like nobody’s business. If something bothers her, it bothers her for days and days. She has a hard time letting go of negative emotions. (*Her*, I can relate to. LOL.)
MJ: What genre is your current WIP?
It’s a lesbian romance. All my books are.
MJ: How did you come up with your characters’ names?
I do two things. First, I have a list of names I like that I’d like to use for a character. Whenever I hear a cool name, I jot it down for possible use in the future. That being said, I also have to pay attention to character ages and whether the names I like make sense for when they were kids. So I also Google the most popular names for the year they were born and I go from there.
MJ: How did you choose the setting for your current WIP?
I wanted to write a series. My audience tends to be mostly lesbian, so I tried to think of a setting that would draw in lesbians, but not exclude the rest of the world. I also had to keep in mind that I needed someplace large enough to have a lot of gay women associated with it without it seeming too contrived or unrealistic. I landed on an animal shelter. There are enough people involved with a large animal shelter (employees, volunteers, donors) that I can hook up several pairs of them and not have people roll their eyes or shake their heads in disbelief. And lesbians are all about their pets!
 MJ: Can you share the first five to ten sentences of your current work in progress?
The title is “Rescued Heart.”


Ashley Stiles was running late. Again. It was the story of her life, really. The bakery had been a madhouse with the rapidly approaching Easter holiday, and she’d ended up stuck there for almost two hours longer than she’d expected. Thank God she’d learned to pack a bag when she left in the morning so she didn’t have to show up at Junebug Farms in her bakery whites, covered with cookie batter and cake frosting. It was colorful, true, but it was also really distracting to try and walk dogs that wanted only to lick your clothes.

MJ: This sounds wonderful! What about your current release?
GB: My current release is “A Little Bit of Spice,” which is available at Amazon.
Spice Front Final
MJ: And how can readers follow you?
GB: I have a website and blog. I’m on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Instagram (GeorgiaBeers).
MJ: Thanks again for stopping by, and good luck!