Keeper Recipes

One of the things I most love about the Internet is access to so many recipes. I love trying new dishes, and my family doesn’t mind at all.

I made garlic pesto chicken with tomato cream penne for the second time on Sunday.

It’s definitely a keeper. Y-Chromo and I ate the leftovers for lunch and dinner on Monday.

Another keeper is one Y-Chromo found during a teach-them-to-cook experiment with my children this summer: Avocado, Mozzarella & Bruschetta Chicken.

We eat a lot of chicken at my house, so having so many delicious ways to prepare it keeps meals interesting.

What’s your favorite chicken recipe?



Weekend Recap

I had a fabulous weekend. Saturday was my monthly Central New York Romance Writer‘s meeting, where I learned I won the election for president next year. The chapter also held its quarterly celebration of great news, so I received roses for having sold a book.

First Sale Roses

After the meeting, my besties (a/k/a The Purples) and I went out for a light dinner and a few laughs.

TV Stevie and I started watching the series, The Newsroom, which we both enjoyed.

Sunday was lovely, too. An extra hour of sleep started the day right. TV Stevie and I went out to breakfast, then he gave me a private tour of the new facility where he works. He’s been there since the end of February, so this was kind of overdue. I spent the rest of the afternoon editing, then cooked a nice meal (Chicken Parmesan and green salad, with red wine).

I wish I could enjoy every day as much as I enjoyed these two.