
We all have regrets in our lives. Things we wish we could do over.

One of my biggies is that I saw my son lead the pep band at his high school basketball games only once. His last time. I enjoyed it. I like basketball.  I liked the school community. I love my son.

I should have made the time to go to more of those games.

Writing Props: Lush, Vivid, and Sara Eyestone

I first encountered artist Sara Eyestone in a little bookstore in Riverdale, NY. Looking through a nice selection of greeting cards, I came across a reproduction of peonies. Lush, vivid, and so real, I could almost feel the cool satin of the petals. I purchased the card and held onto it for many years before sending it to someone who needed it more than I did. I was smart enough to check the back of the card for the artist’s name.

When it came time to redecorate my office at my previous Day Job, and the Janet Fish poster wasn’t available, I turned to Sara Eyestone. At one point, I had photos of the three posters I chose hanging in my office, but I’m not sure what happened to them. And someone told me I should take the posters when I cleaned out my office. I wish now I had. Tea for Two, Forever and Ever, and Curiosity looked wonderful against the deep peony pink of the walls. (I can’t post pictures from Ms. Eyestone’s website here because I don’t own the copyright.)

Again, the color is what drew me.


Sunday Stewpot

Today is National Sunday Supper Day.

TV Stevie and I have differing views on when to have “the big meal” on Sundays. The home in which he grew up always ate the big meal at night. In my family, Sunday dinner was the big meal–around 1pm. But like parenting, marriage requires you to pick your battles and this was one I wasn’t going to win, so why waste the energy?

Regardless, Sunday Suppers at my house are usually simple. I don’t like making a fuss on the nights before I have to go to work. Homemade soups, chili (winter), or a big salad (summer) is usually on the menu. Once in a while I’ll spiralize a zucchini or two and fix it with chicken and seasonings, but I don’t do anything that takes more than 30 minutes prep. I save those meals for Saturdays.

What’s your favorite Sunday Supper?


Writing Wednesday: National Ballpoint Pen Day!

Today is National Ballpoint Pen Day!

As a writer, I am obsessed with pens.

The ballpoint pen is considered a great improvement over fountain pens. I, personally, prefer fountain pens. The ink flows smoother. I hate using a ballpoint pen when the ink won’t flow.

Image credit: andrejad / 123RF Stock Photo

Some facts about ballpoint pens:

  • An average of 100 people die each year from choking on a ballpoint pen.
  • 125 ballpoint pens are sold every second.
  • One-third of the ballpoint pens in the United States are owned by BIC.
  • Since 1983, BIC has sold more than 7,000,000,000 ballpoint pens in the United States.
  • An average person in the United States uses 4.3 pens annually.
  • A ballpoint pen has a lifespan of about 50,000 words.
  • The most expensive ballpoint pen in the world is the Mont Blanc Ball Point which costs $730,000.

What kind of writing implement do you like to use?