Writing Props: Lush, Vivid, and Sara Eyestone

I first encountered artist Sara Eyestone in a little bookstore in Riverdale, NY. Looking through a nice selection of greeting cards, I came across a reproduction of peonies. Lush, vivid, and so real, I could almost feel the cool satin of the petals. I purchased the card and held onto it for many years before sending it to someone who needed it more than I did. I was smart enough to check the back of the card for the artist’s name.

When it came time to redecorate my office at my previous Day Job, and the Janet Fish poster wasn’t available, I turned to Sara Eyestone. At one point, I had photos of the three posters I chose hanging in my office, but I’m not sure what happened to them. And someone told me I should take the posters when I cleaned out my office. I wish now I had. Tea for Two, Forever and Ever, and Curiosity looked wonderful against the deep peony pink of the walls. (I can’t post pictures from Ms. Eyestone’s website here because I don’t own the copyright.)

Again, the color is what drew me.


Best Horoscope Ever!

Yes, I still read my daily horoscope. I even save some of the “better” ones.

I keep the best one on my desk at Day Job.


It’s hard to imagine you lacking imagination. Actually, it’s impossible to imagine. So now, don’t worry–there’s no need to imagine you lacking imagination, because you’re so imaginative. You just won’t have time for anything else (like imagining lacking imagination). You’re fielding great ideas left and right, and the ones you like you’re holding on to. You’ll implement them all in good time. Yes, all in good time.

Have you ever read your horoscope and just loved it?

Nat’l Snack Food Day with Erin Bevan

Today is National Snack Food Day, so I asked author Erin Bevan about her favorite snack food.

ERIN: Holy Moly! You would ask me this when I am on the biggest diet EVAH! I think my favorite snack food is COOKIES! Oh, how I miss them.

MJ: What’s your favorite kind of cookie?

ERIN: OMG, must I chose? Chocolate chip, shortbread with royal icing- yum, yum yum! White chocolate macadamia, and the list goes on and on and on.

MJ: If you could be any snack food, which one would you choose?

ERIN: I think I’d pick a candy cane because they are my daughters’ favorite sugar sweet, and they smell so good. So different form my normal gym funk sweat smell!

MJ: You have a new book out, based on the things written on Valentine candy hearts. What a great premise. Tell us about Text Me.


ERIN:  When Erika’s ex becomes her boss less than a year after dumping her by text, she gets desperate to find a date to the corporate Valentine’s dance so he doesn’t suspect she still has feelings for him. Though not a fan of texting for the obvious reason, she doesn’t have much choice but to tap the keypad in order to gain the attention of the only viable candidate from the classified ads.

Grayson made the mistake of listening to his brother a year ago and has regretted what he did to Erika ever since. But his brother’s next suggestion just might be his salvation when he takes out an ad for a Valentine’s date…and Erika answers.

Using a pseudo name and keeping contact to text messages only, Grayson’s plans to make Erika fall back in love with him appears to be working…until the date of the dance draws near, and she pushes a meeting—face to face.

MJ: This sounds like a really fun read. Where can people buy it?

Erin: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, All Romance Ebooks, Book Strand, and the Wild Rose Press website.

MJ: And how about your social media presence?

Erin:  I have a website and a Facebook page. I’m also on Twitter–@erinbevan.

MJ: Thanks for joining me today, and good luck with your book!