Tantalizing Trivia: 74-Minute CDs

Do you know why a CD is 74 minutes long (instead of an even 60 or 75)?

Although this is unverified, the popular belief is because Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was the CD inventor’s favorite piece of music and he wanted to be able to listen to the longest recording of it without a record change.

And the reason a CD is not longer than 74 minutes is to keep the disc size small enough to fit in a suit pocket.

National Lazy Day

It’s National Lazy Day.

How many of us need a push to be just lazy for one day?

I once read a book, a feminist book, by Jane O’Reilly or Ingrid Bengis or Tillie Olsen or someone whose name I have forgotten. The author was recalling her childhood family holiday gatherings and how the children always preferred hanging out with the men drinking beer and playing horseshoes than with the women in the kitchen, who were just bitchy. The author’s moment of truth came when she realized the women were bitchy because they didn’t have the holiday off. They still had to watch the children, prepare the feast, clean up afterward.

Why do we need permission to take a day off?

I frequently find my “vacation time” from day job usurped by household chores.  And I resent it.

I’m reminded of The Parable of the Mexican fisherman and the Investment Banker.

And of the many Facebook memes advising us to build a life we don’t need a vacation from.

That’s not lazy.

Writing is the best part of my day

National Grab Some Nuts Day

Yes, that really is one of today’s observances, and the latent Gutter Girl in me snickers and thinks: “SPLASH!”

But this is a PG-13 blog, so I’ll haul myself out of the gutter, dry myself off and be a responsible adult.


I am not a huge nut fan. Especially walnuts. Don’t know why people have to ruin perfectly good brownies or chocolate chip cookies with walnuts. All of my life I thought I didn’t like banana bread. A friend made some with almonds instead of walnuts, and I loved it!

Another friend substitutes pecans for walnuts when she knows I’m on the agenda. It’s an acceptable substitute, but the foods would still be better without them.

Nuts I do like:

Cashews don’t offend me—especially in Chinese food. And what about that divine mixture of hazelnut chocolate, Nutella? Addicting! Macadamia nuts with white chocolate in a chocolate cookie? I’m dying here!

I’ll eat peanuts (not technically a nut, but rather a legume), but almonds are my favorite. Too bad growing almonds requires so much water.  Something so healthy shouldn’t be an ecological disaster.

Because almonds are a healthy food choice.

Most nuts (in their pure state) are a good food choice. Unfortunately, chocolate (even though it’s made from cocoa beans, which are a fruit) is considered an adulteration. Nuts are a great at-the-desk snack—high-protein with omega-3 fatty acids, easy to eat, and very filling.

So go grab some nuts!