
As if there isn’t already enough to do in the month of December.

December is National Write A Business Plan month. I think this ties in well with setting goals for the upcoming new year, too. On many levels,  it may be the same thing.

I’d like my author goals to be realistic and attainable. I never seem to pad for “life” events and get terribly behind in what I want to do to advance my career. The past two summers have been particularly difficult.

I anticipate putting my new planner to serious use.

Cyber Monday

Tomorrow is Cyber Monday. This is a day meant for people like me who hate to shop.

Black Friday is my idea of hell.

If I had my way, I would shop for everything on line. Even groceries. My favorite supermarket has recently introduced grocery delivery service. I’d use it, except I like to look at my produce before I buy it. And I wouldn’t trust the delivery service to handle it correctly. I already have issues with the way the check out clerks mishandle produce and other fragile items (popcorn, chips, etc.). I can’t imagine a delivery service would be more careful.

Are you a Black Friday or Cyber Monday kind of person?


A Cranberry Relish Day Recipe

Happy National Cranberry Relish Day!

A former co-worker gave me this recipe when I was looking for a festive side dish.



  • 1 package orange (or cherry) Jell-O
  • 1 container cranberry orange relish
  • 1 can mandarin oranges


  • Set Jell-O per package instructions
  • When slightly firm, add relish and oranges
  • Mold in muffin tins.
  • Chill until firm.
  • Unmold, serve on lettuce leaves.


Did you ever play Monopoly as a child?

My cousins, sibs, and I would stage marathon Monopoly sessions. Everyone argued over who would get the thimble.

Everyone wanted Boardwalk, of course, but I focused on buying the yellow properties: Atlantic Ave, Ventnor Ave, and Marvin Gardens.  I also liked the light blue ones: Connecticut, Vermont, and Oriental. I usually could put hotels on them and make a fortune.

I still have my board, game pieces, cards, etc, but the box that contained them is long gone.

So are the days when a large group of people had time at the same time to play the game that would not end.



Clean Out Your Fridge

Today is National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.

This is something my Day Job does about every other month. TV Stevie and I try to do it weekly, on Sundays (because garbage day is Monday). Unfortunately, a lot of produce ends up in the trash.

About once a year, I go through the bottles of salad dressings and mustards to see what can be tossed.

How often do you clean your fridge?