WIP Wednesday: Samanthya Wyatt

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to have Samanthya Wyatt as my guest today.

MJ: Samanthya, can you share a life memory you recall frequently and tell us why you think about it.

Samanthya: “Granddaddy, are you my friend?”

We took our granddaughter to Myrtle Beach on vacation when she was 4yrs. We were in the hotel pool and she looks at my husband and asked this question. We were so awed. I’ve never forgotten and when it often comes to mind. I’m around children a lot. They are so open and so innocent. And you never know what goes through their little minds or what may come out of their mouths.

MJ: That is too precious! What are your top three destinations, and why?

Samanthya: Scotland, Ireland, New York City.

I would love to see the country and castles. There is so much history and so many stories behind those walls. As for New York, I want to see the Statue of Liberty.

MJ: What’s your secret talent?

Samanthya: Writing romance. My family and friends do not know.

MJ: Wow. That’s a pretty big secret. What’s the top book on your TBR pile?

Samanthya: The True One – Stephen’s story, the sequel to The Right One.

MJ: If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?

Samanthya: Painting. I’ve done some Tri-chem pictures, and I love working on family photo albums – decorations, adding memorabilia.

MJ: Other than writing, what would be your dream job?

Samanthya: When I retire, I will be doing my dream job of writing romance novels.

MJ: If you could trade places with anyone for just one day, who would you be and why?

Samanthya:  Anyone who owned a totally private farm and had a pool where I could relax, do nothing and have no interruptions.

MJ: I think all writers long for that! Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version of the story?

Samanthya: Gone With The Wind. It is the greatest movie of all time. Everyone knows it. I don’t think that could be said about any book.

MJ: Interesting answer. What do you normally eat for breakfast, of do you skip it and get straight to work?

Samanthya: Coffee – coffee- and coffee!

MJ: Let’s talk a little more about  your writing. Can you describe your ideal or dream writing space?

Samanthya: A library full of books and a huge desk with lots of space. A wall of current research books, a shelf of cubby holes for all my projects and an assistant to file and keep up with my sticky notes. I am a very organized person. But with my writing, my fingers can’t keep up with the sporadic thoughts running through my brain, so I jot down notes and desperately need them sorted or filed. LOL.

MJ: Briefly describe your writing day and your process.

Samanthya: Get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee and go to my computer. Of course this is only on the weekends and when no one else is in the house.

MJ: Name one writing-related website you use a lot.

Samanthya: I use many, and I google topics searching for new sites to get all the information I can.

MJ: Plotter or pantser?

Samanthya: A little of both. Typing my thoughts without trying to perfect what I’m writing works best. But I still make a plot and do a character sheet and work on GMC. I have some type of sketch or idea of where my story is headed.

MJ: Do you believe in writer’s block?

Samanthya: Of course. If nothing comes to mind, I leave, go do something else and come back.

MJ: Love and true love – what is the difference and what do your characters believe about LOVE?

Samanthya: I love a lot of things. I love a lot of people. But true love – in love – with the man of your dreams is a feeling like no other – and what every reader wants. I try to capture that with my characters.

MJ: Would you consider self-publishing?

Samanthya: No. Having a publisher gives me the assurance my work is good enough to be published.

MJ: Do you listen to music while you write?

Samanthya: Some days I have the house Rockin’. The music is in the living room and I am in the bedroom/office.

MJ: Synopsis: love them or hate them:

Samanthya: Before I perfected my first one, I hated them. Now, they are okay. Most publishers want a pitch/hook before they even consider a synopsis. Hooks drive me crazy.

MJ: OK, now it’s time for the lightning round. Addams Family or Munsters?

Samanthya: Munsters.

MJ: Wine–red or white?

Samanthya: Red

MJ: Beer–can or bottle?

Samanthya: bottle/glass

MJ: Stephanie Plum or Eve Dallas?

Samanthya: either

MJ: Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day?

Samanthya: Love both!

MJ: Last movie you saw in a theater?

Samanthya: Thor

MJ: Favorite TV show?

Samanthya: Person of Interest

MJ: Paper or e-books?

Samanthya: paperback

MJ: Favorite band when you were in high school?

Samanthya: The Commodores

MJ: Coke or Pepsi?

Samanthya: Coke

MJ: Introvert or extrovert?

Samanthya: Extrovert.

MJ: Favorite ethnic food?

Samanthya: I love Italian.

MJ: Now for the nitty-gritty. Please share the opening lines of your current work in progress.

Samanthya: I’m currently working on Firemen of Station 8 series.

A red image appeared in Cassie’s peripheral vision. Turning, her gaze landed on a Portsmouth fire truck. Right in front of the building.

A silent alarm went off in her brain – the same way it did every time she heard a siren or any emergency vehicle roaring down the road. Ever since her cousin’s house burned a few months ago. The shock of flames climbing six feet above the roof had paralyzed her and brought reality crashing down. She remembered the desolation seeing their home in ruins. The sudden realization of how quickly one could lose everything.

No lights.  No siren.

Still, a little pang of fear sent her pulse racing.

MJ: You’ve got my attention! I understand you have a book coming out today?

Samanthya: Yes, today is release day for my second book, Something More. You can purchase it here:











And my first book, The Right One, is still available —  http://amzn.to/1lEk2qY



MJ: And how can readers stay in touch with you?

Samanthya: Through my website and blog – www.samanthyawyatt.com or on Goodreads.

MJ: Thanks again for joining me. Good luck!

Former Yankee Great Bernie Williams

Bernie Williams was in town last weekend. It was Father’s Day, and TV Stevie wanted to go to the ballpark to see him. Well, hear him. You see, Bernie is now a professional musician. His CDs have been nominated for Latin Grammy Awards. And Bernie was scheduled to play the national anthem on guitar. So we went to the game. I hadn’t been to a game all season. It was nice to be back, although we couldn’t get our old seats (we were season ticket holders for three years, and I wrote a blog with the woman in the seats next to us:  From Section 207). Still we did sit in 207 and got to chat with our former neighbors.


And we got to see and hear Bernie.

We left the game early (me with a nice sunburn), grabbed take out from a local Italian restaurant, then went downtown to hear Bernie in concert.


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No, I did not take photos during the concert. I am under the impression that to do so is illegal. Too bad the jerk in front of me didn’t care. Every time he turned on his camera to record Bernie, he blinded me. So I would kick the back of his seat. Childish, I know, but he was completely rude and completely oblivious.

The concert was nice. Bernie is incredible on the guitar. I never knew he actually went to a performing arts high school in Puerto Rico–studying music.

But . . . there’s always a but, isn’t there?

I am not a fan of big, brassy music. I know many people who are huge Chicago (the band) fans. I am not one of them. And Bernie’s band had a lot of brass, soprano sax, etc. After a while, the music all started sounding alike to me. To me. That is not a criticism of the performances. The musicians were all amazing. The band leader/saxophonist was indescribable, especially on the alto sax. The style of music just isn’t my cuppa.

But hey! I got to see Bernie Williams in concert, and baseball fan that I am, that’s enough.

W.I.P. Wednesday: Rachel Sharpe

I’m very excited to have  author Rachel Sharpe as my guest this week. Today’s a special day for Rachel: it’s release day for her book, Cold Ambition, but more on that later. Welcome Rachel. Let’s get to know a little bit about you.

If you could go anywhere in the world, what would be your top three dream destinations?

RACHEL: First, Hawaii, because it’s Hawaii, and because it’s the location of Magnum, PI, a show without which I wouldn’t have been inspired to write the Jordan James, PI series. Second, the UK. I visited there when I was younger and have always wanted to go back. Third would be Germany and Austria. I have a very close friend who lives in Hanover and I’ve always wanted to visit her homeland. 

MJ: Ah yes, Magnum. The inspiration for many things. Do you have a secret talent?

RACHEL: I don’t know if it’s really a secret, but I like to play guitar. Also, I was in a band in high school. We called ourselves Outta the Blue. We were a short-lived phenomenon.  

MJ: If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?

RACHEL: I guess I would either act or focus more on music. I did both in high school and they were both a lot of fun.

MJ: Other than writing, what would be your dream job?

RACHEL: Editor. If I couldn’t write, I would love to help someone else make their writing better. As the daughter of an English teacher, I’m a second generation grammar nazi. There’s no fighting that title. I’ve accepted it now.

MJ: People always say “Grammar Nazi” as if it were a bad thing. What is the one thing you won’t leave home without?

RACHEL: My cell phone. It’s amazing to think how dependent society has become on them. Almost everything you could ever need is on a cell phone now. That’s a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it… 

MJ: Okay, let’s get down to your writing. Can you describe your ideal writing space?

RACHEL: Honestly, I write anywhere. I’ve never been one to just sit behind a desk and write. I have an app on my phone which allows me to email my pages to myself, so if I’m out and about and have a couple minutes to kill, I’ll try to write at least half a chapter.

MJ: That’s fabulous use of your time. What book or books do you wish you could have written:

RACHEL: Harry Potter because it is an original story that has had such a tremendous impact on the world. The series was not only translated into seventy languages and eight films, they also have a theme park dedicated to it. A story with that much clout is worth emulating.  

MJ: Name three things on your desk right now.

RACHEL: Computer, printer, and cell phone. 

MJ: Do you listen to music when you write?

RACHEL: It depends on the day. Sometimes, I’ll listen to music for background noise. Other times, I need silence to focus. If I do listen to music while I write, I tend to stick to ’80s pop or instrumental film scores. 

MJ: Synopses. Love them or hate them?

RACHEL: Hate. Don’t get me wrong – they’re very important, but trying to sum up the heart and soul of your work in four to six lines is an art form. It’s not easy and often frustrating, but very worthwhile.

MJ: Ready for the lightning round: Addams Family or Munsters-

RACHEL: Addams Family

MJ: Wine-Red or white?


MJ: Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day?

RACHEL: St. Patrick’s Day.

MJ: Paper or e-books?

RACHEL: Paper.

MJ: Pepsi or coke?


MJ: Favorite ethnic food?


MJ: Now, what we’ve all been waiting for . . . what are you working on now?

RACHEL:  The working title is Retribution. Here are the first few lines.

 “My life is completely ruined!” the girl sobbed, covering her eyes, thick with black mascara, with her carefully-manicured nails. “He told me he loved me and that we would be together forever. Now I’ve lost him and everything else. What am I supposed to do?”

Her mother sat on the love seat beside her, stroking her silky-blonde hair. “My dear, it’s not the end of the world,” she insisted. “He’s one foolish boy. You’re overreacting.”

She sat up and stared into her mother’s eyes. “You don’t understand. I lost my job. I’ll never work again after this gets out….”

Suddenly alarmed, her mother grabbed her shoulders and studied her eyes intently. “After what gets out?”

MJ: You’ve certain piqued my curiosity! Now I understand you have book coming out today. Where can we buy it?



RACHEL:  At Amazon. Here’s the link:

MJ: And how can we stay touch with you?

RACHEL: Here are my links:

Website www.rachelsharpe.com 

Blog  www.rachelcsharpe.wordpress.com

Facebook  www.facebook.com/authorrachelsharpe 

Twitter  www.twitter.com/RachelCSharpe 

MJ: Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your books.

Things I Don’t Get

I am a writer.

I am also an introvert.

I have never learned the art of small talk. I don’t “get” it. Either you have something to say or you don’t.

But as an author in the early part of the 21st century, I am expected to self-promote. OK. I get it. I just don’t get how. I think if I post in all the Facebook book promo groups, it’s spam and it’s reaching only other authors.

Experts say to “engage” on social media. That’s asking introverts to do something they don’t understand.

Small talk is only one of many things in life that baffle me. Here are some others:

Camping: a lot of my friends and family love camping. Why can’t you do the same thing at home? It would be cheaper, warmer, and there is indoor plumbing.

Cars as more than transportation: as a former co-worker once said: “I’m driving it, I’m not living in it.”

Going out to bars/clubs: I did this for a couple of years when I was very young. I was never comfortable. It’s loud, overcrowded, and the action doesn’t start until past my bed time.

The need for noise: I know a lot of people who have to have the television or radio going for background noise. I don’t understand the need for that. Silence is golden.

Movies as a first date (thank goodness this is behind me): Why? You can’t get to know someone sitting in a movie theater. A first date should involve the ability to converse. Unless you don’t understand the art of small talk. Then you have a problem.

Not “getting” something is not the same as not liking it. I hate football but I get it. I loathe eggs, mushrooms, and green peppers, but understand why people eat them.

How about you? Is there something in our society that you just don’t understand?